Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life after undergrad

So its the beginning of February, a month into my last term of my science undergrad. And i guess i havent written a blog since half a month ago, so why not write one on thinking about what happens after we graduate. So as many of you know, i am in the application process of applying for Optometry school at waterloo... yes, another 4 years at waterloo.. haha. But anyways I am in the waiting process after doing my interview back in November.

I have some friends who are also graduating. Some have found full time jobs, but those who are still looking and are applying for grad school don't have an answer yet and therefore dont know what they will be doing next year. So they re pretty much in the same position as I am. Ive talked to many of them and there is a fear of not getting into school for next year. As the term goes on, some of these people are getting anxious, nervous, sad, maybe even a little depressed. This is because We as human beings fear the unknown. And that is why we keep going out to search for answers (pretty much what sciences does but that could be for curiosity reasons) For example, that H1N1 Flu. People were getting sick and dying, so everyone around the world feared it. The reason they feared it was because they didnt know what to do about it. There was no vaccine, no cure, no knowing how badly it might affect you and ultimately it was something of the UNKNOWN.

Personally, how i feel about optometry is that I don't need to fear. I feel that God put me in my 4th year instead of letting me into optometry so that I can learn and mature and most of all, persevere (James 1) I was able to experience things that I never would have if I got into optometry. Also being the next one in line to get in off the wait list, i really believe that it was God telling me that, im making you go through your 4th year for a reason.
For these reasons, I have lifted my future up to God, whether I get into optometry or not, is up to him. But I have faith that whatever happens to me, it will be for good reasons and a greater purpose.

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Hebrews 13:5-6

And this is the reason I do not fear my future. Ive been through so much with God and ive been so greatly blessed. How can I not put my trust in God?

I do hope that who ever is reading this feels encouraged to pursue God. That this faith and grace we have received from God (Eph 2: 8-10) is really something special, that not everyone can see,that I pray that people will be able to see.
If you want to know more about what Ive been through drop me a message, i will gladly tell you my story!

O and i just set it so that anyone can comment on the blogs, so comment away!!

1 comment:

  1. And the most awesome part is knowing that ultimately our obedience to Him glorifies Him, regardless of our circumstances! Awesomesauce indeed!
